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Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures Pilot Trays - Single


X-Wing Miniatures Pilot Trays

3D Printed flat pilot trays for the official cards and tokens associated with the game. This is sized only for the cardboard tokens. We offer these individually or in a set of 4, you save 4 dollars when you purchase the set! These trays are very handy and can hold:

One Pilot Card. Sized for both sleeved and cards without protective sleeves.
One dial holder.
Eight upgrade card slots, these stand vertically in the tray.
4-6 shield tokens
One squadron token

3D Printed from a very durable PETG plastic. This is safe in your car or in hot environments unlike many sellers on etsy using PLA plastic. Petg is much stronger and more durable. Made from the same materials as plastic water bottles, this item is BPA free, lead free, and recyclable.

Product Dimensions:
5-1/2 inches wide
4-1/2 inches wide
1/4 inch thick

I was in a serious motorcycle accident last year, all sales go towards medical bills associated with that accident! Thank you so much for your support!

Standard parcel mail shipping of (3-5 days) is $2.00, this covers your entire order! Note: I may sell bigger items that have higher shipping the highest shipping dollar amount will cover your entire order.
International shipping, anywhere outside the USA is $10 for the first item and $2 more for each additional item.